Monday, February 6, 2012


A leyende Internet account that the classic children did not start as we know it, read and asombrence.

"Everyone loves this movie, to me is disgusting, I can not believe the success it has had, I mean the famous trilogy of Toy Story. Very few know the true origins of this macabre creation. It was in 1991 when it started, Pixar wanted to change "slightly" to which the public was focused productions, and Disney, driven by the success of The Lion King, wanted to see as an official change in a market "more adult". That as I know, because I was a maintenance worker, paid very well, but spent some things you should never say, like this. Pixar had planned a story it is not known by whom it was created, but presumably this would be a "masterpiece" in cinema bizarre is called Toy Story. This was merely a short, before passing it to the theaters had to see some other people and give advice, in exchange for some money, as I needed to, accept without hesitation, terrible mistake. We saw a total of six people, two Pixar executives, three people did not know, and I obiamente. The film begins with a very macabre lullaby, Andy's room was dark and small letters will make out the lyrics Toy Story. For technology they had was a very poor animation, but being only a test do not pay attention. The room was lit up, Andy was crying, but in a more than real, a cry which spread deep sadness, the music was silent, and only heard the cry, this happened for about two minutes. Ends crying and now sounds a discussion, making changes to the parents of Andy, discussing the edge of the stairs, the mother is pregnant obiamente, the dialogues are not distinguished, only screams. Taking turns to Andy, who takes Woody and Betty and start playing with them, Betty did not bring their sheep characteristics, while Woody macabre smile. Then Andy took a Barbie and a Ken, these simulated apparently Andy's parents arguing, until they get Woody and Betty and begin to beat the other two dolls. That sounds a piercing scream, making changes to the discussion of the parents of Andy, his father is suddenly throwing his mother of the stairs, it was repeatedly hit and ends lying on the floor, surrounded by a extremely realistic pool of blood, is beginning to hear a baby screaming in despair, these cries each time became more deep and strong. We return to Andy, who realizes what happens, take a knife under his bed and rushes to his father, this is heartbreaking cries and come directly to your mind, as if the unfortunate person was in the same room we. Andy's father is dead, but it keeps penetrating Andy with the knife, then cut the arm of her father and throws it.Andy is where your mother, and apparently shot dead, the baby's cries are becoming more sensitive and real, at this time, making changes to a photo of a baby a few months old, without arms or legs, and a man begins to choke him until the baby is silent, the cries are similar to those of the animation. Andy up the stairs, with both parents dead, returns to his room and takes Woody, embrace it, this revives and Andy does not seem too surprised, Woody gets up and starts to comfort him by saying "This had to happen sometime, not your fault. " Andy was shot on the floor and began to mourn and whipping his head on the floor until it begins to bleed, so while Woody about under the bed and pulls out another knife, comes up with Andy and the knife at the time in which he says "This had to happen sometime." Taking turns black and only cries of a child desperate for about five minutes, complete with a picture of a real child, apparently stabbed, and under the same conditions as the baby with no arms or legs. At that time ends, the silence was inevitable, Pixar executives were furious and struck the door, the other three people, two were running and you stand there, motionless and burst into tears. I went, when leaving the room, a man apologized and told me not to tell any of this, they would investigate the case. Years later, Toy Story came out with a very different story to the original, better recording quality and sound, but seeing the characters reminds me of that horrible time, where dreams of a madman materialized in the most innocent thing in the world, a child's toys. Now, Toy Story three came to theaters with the same innocent story, but the mystery that I, and maybe five other people they never knew what happened to them, for my part, I was disgusted that so many people follow this macabre creation that tube in its origins, the terror. "

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Tumblr appeared in a publication about the origins of "Rugrats", also known as "Adventures in diapers" in Latin America, that famous Nickelodeon cartoon series where Tommy, Angelica, Chuckie and his friends lived imaginary adventures every day.

Re-published by several users, even without knowing who was the first to publish, History has become controversial in different social networks, especially Twitter, where it is Trending Topic.

The supposed true story is based on the popular Nickelodeon Rugrats, explains that the protagonist is actually Angelica, who existed and the rest of the characters were just figments of her imagination, her best friend Suzy (also character in the series ) became a psychologist and sold the story of Angelica to carry out the Nickelodeon children's program.

Needless to advance them, here it is to be read by yourself, can be a bit traumatic for those who were fans of the series or for those who believe everything they read:

Story of The Rugrats:

"Babies in" Rugrats "and are no figment of Angelica, because her mother ignores her and her relationship with her father is shallow. Charlie actually died long ago with his mother, so that Carlos is a bundle of nerves. Tommy was stillborn, so Hugo's happening in the basement making toys for his son who had no chance to be born, and the Devilles had an abortion. Angelica could not decide whether the unborn child would be male or female, then invented the same character in his head, but with different genres. For "All Grown Up!", Angelica was a bipolar schizophrenic, becoming addicted to narcotics, returning to his childhood and his creations obsessed again, but to interact with them, made them more "old". Angelica's mother died of a heroin overdose, Julio in his depression, he married a prostitute looking for money (gold digger).

The only Rugrats was not the product of imagination was Dil Angelica, but Angelica did not notice the difference between him and his creations. Dil did not follow his orders, and in a fit of despair and anger, Angelica hits him repeatedly yelling and screaming, to which Hugo runs up and away from Dil, but it was too late, Dil had a brain hemorrhage, which resulted a deformation, that growing up was more evident. As living being ridiculed by their rarity and delay. In the film they travel to Paris, Charles marries a hooker named Kira (he really was going to marry a different hooker, but she only wanted him for his money). Kira had a daughter named Kimi who was snatched by being addicted to cocaine (Angelica Kimi imagine the stories he tells Kira).

Suzie was really his only friend, who was following the play of their creations. For her, Suzie becomes a psychologist and later teamed up with Nickelodeon to create "Adventures in diapers." When Angelica died of drug overdoses, she assisted at his funeral, Angelica's death was sad, because for her addiction, she was taken away from society, which took a break with reality, and his eventual death. She spent her last days in the back of a school cafeteria, imagining her friends around, and playing with the lives of his creations. Angelica died on March 5, 1994 "

Saturday, February 4, 2012


I start today's blog I've been out of school and looking for something to spend my time trying to make people conosca things other people reading this here anything is possible I will continue trying later XD